Friday 2 September 2011

The Longest but Most Rewarding 24 Hours (Aug. 29-30)

Let's start back a few days ago to get everyone caught up to speed!

We left to go to the Montfort for me to be induced at 7:30pm on Monday, August 29th since I didn't naturally go into labour.  We met our midwife Grace at the hospital and got me all set to go - I was on the drip by 9:30pm.  I was handling things pretty well for the first few hours.  When you're under a midwives care, the nurse stays with you until you're in active labour (i.e. 4-5 cm dilated) and then calls your midwife to come in.  It's reassuring to have a nurse in your room the whole time too when you're having contractions.  As I said, I was dealing with things pretty well and we were watching DVDs on my computer (highly recommend!) and I was getting some sleep.  But then things took a turn for the terrible - I never dilated past 1 cm and started having contractions that were lasting 6-7 minutes because my uterus decided to rebel.  I was taken off of the drip in the morning to try to get some sleep.

After some sleep I felt like a million bucks and then we discussed with the OB and my midwife about what the next course of action was to be.  By this point I had started to contract on my own and was 2-3 cm.  The doctor and Grace decided that the only real course at this point was to get me an epidural and start the oxytocin again (I had other options too, but this was the best one to me).  Needless to say, the epidural was a godsend and not that painful to go in as you see on TV!!!

The drip was started again at 2:30pm and I got some more sleep (hallelujah).  Then we had family come to visit for a bit and at 6pm my nurse checked me and I was 4 cm!! Yay! That means I was in active labour so Grace could come back!  Grace made it in for 7:30pm and then checked me a little after that and I was fully dilated and the baby was coming!

I resisted the urges to push for about 45 min to conserve energy.  Then I only pushed for about 45 minutes before little miss Quinn Addison made her way into the world.  What an amazing birth in the end - and it was exactly 24 hours from the beginning of the induction to her birth at 9:33pm on August 30th.  Grace pointed out that I had had the longest early labour (from the time my water broke on Sunday until she came back on Tuesday night) and a super short active labour.

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