Tuesday 27 September 2011

Quinn's 4 Weeks Old Today!

It's so hard to believe that it was 4 weeks ago we welcomed Quinn Addison into the world!  So much has happened since then!

Today was actually the first day that I was on my own with Quinn after you take away Steve's time on leave and family visits.  It was a pretty uneventful day...minus Quinn not wanted to stop eating for 4 hours (off and on, mind you) this afternoon and me being so overtired, but what can ya do!  Quinn and I went to St. Laurent mall to return something to Babies R Us and strolled around there for a bit since it's still quite warm out.  This outing was followed by the marathon feeding.

Speaking of feedings, I'm trying to "bait and switch" Quinn from using the nipple shield to shelving the shield.  So far it's working about 20% of the time that she'll latch without the shield...which I actually enjoy more to be honest since she seems to feed more efficiently when she doesn't use the shield.  Plus she's less of a messy eater without the shield!  I have a goal in mind for us to no longer need to use the shield and that's for when we head to Arizona in November...so that gives us about a month and a half to try to ditch the shield!

Quinn's also moved out of newborn clothes (most of them anyway) and is into 0-3 month clothes.  It's actually a good thing that she has so many clothes since some of the 0-3 clothes are more on the small side then there are some on the larger size.  Part of the reason why we had to go to 0-3 month sleepers was due to her cast since this one is a little bit bigger due to the plaster cast underneath.  I'm slightly sad that she's out of newborn clothes even though she's still so tiny!  Some of her newborn dresses still fit though!  She's also moving out of the newborn diapers.

Steve's brother Jordan (aka Unkie Jord) was up to visit over the weekend.  It was so great to have him here to visit and to meet Quinn...or as he calls her, Quinner!  Quinn's definitely a much loved little girl!

Heading to Steve's work's Open House

Going shopping at Auntie Linds' store!
Wearing her "bean" onesie

Sleeping like an angel next to Mama

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