Monday 29 August 2011

Progress So Far....

So far not a lot to report!!! Both Steve and I managed to get some sleep through the night which was nice.  I had a couple of minor contractions during the night, but nothing to write home about.  This morning we went to see our midwife and have a Non-Stress Test (NST) done - basically I was just hooked up the the fetal monitor for about 20 minutes and everything looked great! The baby's heartrate had good accelerations and no major decelerations.  No contractions though!

So right now the plan is for me to sleep this afternoon (we already went for a walk around "The Forbidden Place" and ran a couple of errands).  If I don't go into active labour on my own, then we'll be meeting the midwife at the hospital around dinner time to get induced.

Please everyone think good contraction and non-induction thoughts for us!!!


  1. Sooo excited for you guys :) I hope your contractions start on their own soon! But don't get discouraged if you need to be induced... You can do this! You'll be holding that precious baby soon :)

  2. I have all this fun to look forward to. Thinking about you guys - sending some good energy to all 3 of you!

