Thursday 25 August 2011

How to Right a Posterior Baby...

So today was my weekly midwife appointment - I got to meet our third midwife Jasmine since I hadn't met her yet and my primary midwife (Grace) is on holidays until Monday.  So here's a little bit of background info on how midwives work here - you have a primary, secondary, and a third midwife.  Basically the primary midwife is the one who will be delivering your baby and who you have most of your appointments with.  The second midwife is there for the birth as well, but deals mostly with the baby.  If for some reason your first/second/third midwife is unavailable, then the others fill in the spots.  What I really like is that you get to know who will be there when your baby is born.  It's a very personal experience.  The frequency of visits is the same as for an OB/GYN.  So now I'm to weekly appointments until little Bean decides to arrive.

That all being said, today's appointment went quite well.  Jasmine told me when to page for when I go into labour and the main difference between early and active labour for paging purposes.  My blood pressure was still good and normal.  Bean's heartbeat was strong as well, which is always good to hear - talk about the sweetest sound!  His/her head is also getting low in my pelvis, but isn't fully engaged yet...but things are definitely on the right track!

What I did find out today is that Bean is hanging around with his/her back toward my back.  Ideally we want him/her to have their back facing toward my stomach.  So I was given some "homework" to do to try to encourage Bean to get into the right position.  Here's my homework:
- sit backwards in a kitchen chair to lean forward
- when sitting on the couch, lean forward with my elbows on my knees
- do the cat pose from yoga as much as possible
- and the tried and true method...wash my floors on my hands and knees every day!!!

Needless to say, I'm going to try the sitting forward for most of the day with my jigsaw puzzle...and then I might scrub some floors...and also do the cat pose every 30 minutes.

1 comment:

  1. You can come do my floors :P .... anything to help of course LOL
