Tuesday 19 February 2013


Our little girl is a babbling machine!!!  This week's new words include "turtoe" (turtle) and "happy".  She also started saying "yes" occasionally instead of always "yep"...and also sometimes says "danks" (thanks) when prompted.  She's definitely good with "pease", so thanks is on its way.  This morning when I gave her her sippy cup of juice at breakfast (another words that she can say - "joos"), she said please when asked, then said "danks" without being prompted.  That was definitely a first!

Q has also started to twirl.  About a week or so ago we noticed that she'd spin around in a circle like she was dancing.  Then she started doing it on demand...and now when she does on her own, she says "turl" as she spins.  Super cute!

Quinn's also getting used to being around babies since we get together with a friend of ours with a 3 month old at least once a week.  She's getting used to being very gentle and today was showing the baby all the toys on his play bar.  I hope that she keep this up when it's her own little baby brother or sister!

Our Valentine
Now onto the Yoda update...

When I was pregnant with Quinn, I developed pubic symphysis dysfunction that ultimately ended up in me having to go on modified work hours and then on early sick leave as it became too painful to do my job.  I thought that maybe part of the reason why that had happened was because I had gained so much weight (around 67 lbs by the time that I gave birth) and wasn't active during my pregnancy.  This time around, I promised myself that I wouldn't gain as much weight and that I would maintain my activity level to try to have the healthiest pregnancy and hopefully avoid unnecessary pain.  Well, all that changed last Monday when I started to get some of that familiar pubic symphysis pain.  Although this time, it's presenting in a different area of my pelvis and is actually more painful than what I had with Quinn.  I asked my midwife about it when I saw her on Wednesday, and she said that it unfortunately looks like I'm just predisposed to having this happen.  So discouraging!  I keep trying to stay active throughout and it's usually OK during the day if I'm keeping busy...I just find that by the time things are winding down at night that that is when it usually hits.  Really sucks to try to get comfortable to sleep while saying "ow" all the time.  Also, heartburn is starting to get me down.

We did have a great midwife appointment last Wednesday!  We met our second midwife, Amy, who will be at the birth.  Just to say again about why you have 2 midwives at your birth - your primary midwife (ours is Grace) is the one who delivers your baby and looks after the mother...delivers the placenta, does any repairs "down there", etc.  Your second miwife (Amy) is the one who looks after the baby...gets him/her weighed, helps with the initial latching for breastfeeding, and all other things baby.  Also, if your primary midwife can't attend the birth for some reason, then your second midwife takes her role on and your third midwife (we don't know who that is yet) steps in for your second.  It's really nice to know who will be there for the birth of your baby.  Our second midwife from Quinn's birth is taking some time off to have her own family, but it would have been nice to have her because we really liked her.

Anyway, here's the weekly update!
How far along? 23 weeks 1 day
Total weight gain: 21 lbs as of yesterday...I definitely need to reel it in this week...not happy!
Maternity clothes? I packed away all of my pre-pregnancy sweaters on the weekend
Stretch marks? Nope! Using 2 different creams on different areas
Best moment this week: Hearing Yoda's heartbeat at our midwife appointment (last week)- 140 bpm
Miss anything: Not being in pain :(
Movement: Definitely!  Our nightly dances continue!
Food cravings: Last week it was molasses...and carbs...so I made brown bread and some ginger molasses cookies :)
Anything making you queasy or sick: Not this week
Have you started to show yet: You can definitely tell that I'm pregnant!
Gender: Team Green
Labor Signs: Not as many Braxton-Hicks this week, which is nice!
Belly Button in or out? In, but getting flatter!
Wedding rings on or off? On.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy! It's been a good week :)
Looking forward to: Continued pregnancy fun...and hopefully less pain and heartburn!

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