Sunday 24 February 2013

Crazy Hair

Quinn was such a bald baby for so long that it's hard to believe that she has as much hair as she does.  And even then it's not a ton of it...but is it ever crazy!  It's quite curly, especially around her ears and the back of it that it gets puffy and frizzy.  So much so that now I put it in pigtails or a ponytail.  Q's starting to tolerate having her hair done a bit better...usually I have to give her one of the other hair brushes to hold while I'm putting in the elastics.  The pigtails are just too cute though!

I forgot to mention last week how great Quinn is doing with knowing what different animals say.  Here are the highlights:
- cow - "mmmmmmmoooo" (she draws out the 'm')
- duck - "gahhhhhh" (more of a growl)
- kitty - "mmoooooow" (sounds a lot like 'moo')
- doggy - "woof woof"
- puppy - *panting* (apparently puppies and doggies say different things)
- birdie - "teet teet"
- monkey - "ah ah"

She's also good at saying "ball" and today said "circle" pretty well.  Her vocabulary astounds us every day.  She'll just all of a sudden spout off a word that you never expected!  She's been saying "bye" for a while and the other day started saying "s-ya" (see ya)...she just runs the syllables together.

I also forgot to mention that we had a good result on Yoda's anatomy ultrasound when we saw our midwife the other week.  All of the measurements were great and there weren't any abnormalities reported, so we breathed a huge sigh of relief.  Hopefully that means that we don't have to have any other ultrasounds unless completely necessary.  Yay!

How far along? 23 weeks 6 days
Total weight gain: 20 lbs as of yesterday...I managed to get rid of a pound this week!
Maternity clothes? Yup and comfy as ever.  Wearing the same size in everything and haven't had to change sizes at all.  Still have some tops that I bought after Q was born that are still fitting though Stretch marks? Nope! Knock on wood!
Best moment this week: Watching my belly jump as Yoda got the hiccups for the first time
Miss anything: Being able to climb stairs without getting out of breath
Movement: Definitely!
Food cravings: None this week that come to mind
Anything making you queasy or sick: Not this week
Have you started to show yet: The bump is out in full force
Gender: Team Green
Labor Signs: Nope and the Braxton-Hicks have been at bay all week
Belly Button in or out? In, but looking weird!
Wedding rings on or off? On.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy! It's been a good week :)
Looking forward to: Going to NS and showing off Q and the growing belly :)

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