Friday 6 July 2012

First Tooth

It finally happened...yesterday as we were talking to my parents on Skype, I noticed something in Miss Q's mouth.  At first I thought that maybe it was a spit bubble on her gums as she was talking up a storm, but then I realized that her gums had opened and there was a little tooth poking its head out!  Then on further inspection (i.e. running my thumb over her gums) I felt the edge.  Wow!!!  She was definitely a late bloomer in the tooth department, as this tooth made its appearance at 10 months and 4 days old.

Other than that, Q's been motoring around like nobody's business.  She's still doing the funny swim/crawl thing, but it's very efficient and probably gets her around faster than if she crawled the old fashioned way.  She's also very good at pulling herself to standing on anything - coffee tables, her play table (her favourite toy at the moment), someone's legs - and much prefers to be standing anyway.  We've installed a baby gate on the main floor to keep her away from the stairs and are probably going to gate off the other stair access points this weekend.  Yesterday she decided to crawl up a couple of stairs after the it's time to rope that off!

Food-wise things are getting quite fun - Quinn's eating with her hands now, so everything is a new experience.  Sometimes I'll throw in the odd puree or cereal, but mostly her meals have consisted of finger foods.  She's a big fan of toast fingers and cheese bits!

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