Sunday 12 February 2012

We Started Solids Today!

I know that it's been a while since I have updated the blog, so I'll try to make sure that I don't leave anything out!

The last couple of weeks we've been making some great progress with Quinn's nap schedule.  She has to wear her boots/bar for nighttime and naps for the next couple of years, and we've finally been able to really pick up on her cues for when she wants to nap so that we can put her boots on.  She usually takes her morning nap around 10ish (with usually about half an hour on either side to start her nap) - that nap usually doesn't last too long, but sometimes she surprises us!  Her afternoon nap is usually around 2 (again, with half an hour or so on either side to start it) - this nap usually lasts longer.  We've been putting her in her crib to nap so that she gets used to it.  She's still sleeping in our room in her playpen...but that's going to change soon!  Q's also getting a bit better at crying herself to sleep when she's getting tired and after she has a full belly.

Sleeping beauty and her diaper butt
Also on the sleeping front, Q's been going to sleep a lot easier at nighttime.  She usually falls asleep during her last feed (and we know it's going to be the last one by how much she rubs her eyes!), and then easily goes down in her playpen.  Sometimes she gives a little whimper and might roll over onto her tummy, but then she's quiet and sleeps pretty well.  I've only had to get up once a night with her (most of the time), so I'm wondering if she'll sleep a bit more soundly now that we have started solids!

YES!! We started solids (rice cereal) with Quinn today!  She's at the 5 1/2 month mark, so we started her a couple of weeks early, but she seemed to be ready...and so was I!  We bought a high chair yesterday for her and we're off to the races!  Things were a little unsure at first, as Quinn was quite hungry and did not like having to sit still to eat this new food.  So I had to nurse her first to get her calmed down a bit...and then we had to use her glow worm as distraction to make her even happier before we managed to get her to eat some cereal well.  By the end of the bowl she was opening her mouth for the cereal and really seemed to be liking it!  It's definitely going to be a bit of an adjustment to add this into our routine, but we'll get there!

Here are 3 videos and some pictures from the cereal day!  The first video shows her PO'd time, the next one she's getting the hang of it, and the 3rd video is how proud she is! :)  We're proud too!

Pretty girl in her new high chair!

Mmmmmm cereal
Not too sure if she likes what's going on...

Trying to help me with the spoon

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