Saturday 1 June 2013

Full Term!!!!

Well I hit 37 weeks on Monday!  Full term for Yoda!  Now it's just the impatient waiting game to see when he/she is going to make their big entrance into the world!  I'm onto weekly midwife appointments now until the birth and it's hard to believe that it's already time for that.  I also find it hard to believe that today is June 1st!

How far along? 37 weeks 5 days
Total weight gain: Well, I've decided to stop weighing myself now.  Figure that I'm close enough to birth and also don't feel like the scale would be accurate with the amount of swelling going on...
Maternity clothes? Always (unless it's my yoga wear).  And I can only jam my feet into flip flops now, and even some of my sandals are uncomfortable due to swollen feet.
Stretch marks? Yes! :(  They reared their ugly heads the other day.  I have a few near my belly button and a couple more along the side of my belly.  Not too happy about them, but what can you do?  I've been slathering on the vitamin E like nobody's business.
Best moment this week: Having a great midwife appointment where both Yoda and I are healthy!
Miss anything: My stretch mark-free belly :(
Movement: Still a lot of movement, especially when I'm lying down at night to relax.  Lots of rolling movements from side-to-side and lots of hiccups lately.
Food cravings: Sugary things
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope!
Gender: Team Green
Labor Signs: Getting more Braxton-Hicks now, increased pressure, and menstrual-like cramps occasionally
Belly Button in or out? The alien-like belly button has made an appearance.
Wedding rings on or off? Off. :(  It's become really humid here and that solidified the fact that I can't wear my rings anymore.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy I'd say.  I'm trying to take advantage of all my "Q and Mommy" time before the baby makes their appearance.
Looking forward to: Labour! :P

Now on to the Quinn news.  She's starting to string together lots of words to make sentences now and also has little sayings - like right now she's saying "oh yes" as she takes her toys out of a toy bin.  She also says "oh dear" which is hilarious.  She's learning the "Head & Shoulders, Knees & Toes" song and can do the "eyes, ears, mouth and nose" ending without any help.  It's quite cute.

She also is getting better at telling me exactly what she wants.  The other day she took me for a "walk" to the pantry, where she pointed to the door and said "crackers"?  Her pretend play is also awesome - she'll cook her food in her little oven (and say "oven hot" while she does it) and then serve it to me or to her dolls and make them "eat" it.  She also likes to put her dolls in her booster seat and push the chair to the table.

Q also has learned the names of most of the Disney princesses.  We have a Little People Disney Princess Castle that she got for Christmas and have most of the princesses (just not Jasmine or Sleeping Beauty).  She says the following: "Lella" (Cinderella), "Ariel", "Belle", "White/No White" (Snow White), "Tana" (Tiana), "Erkick" (Eric), "BEAST" (Beast...but she really enunciates), "Pundle" (Rapunzel).  She also will ask to watch those movies too and was really into "The Little Mermaid" last night...and anytime that Ariel wasn't on screen, she'd wonder aloud "Where Ariel go?".

Q and Dad sing "Elmo's World"

Yoda has the hiccups

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