Thursday 24 January 2013

Week 18

Sorry for the late post, but things were just busy this week!  Quinn has been talking up a storm - I just wish that I knew what she was saying when she's babbling!  Every time that she says "peash", though, she thinks that means that she'll get her way...which isn't always the case and sometimes leads to tears.  Luckily she's still distracted by other toys and shiny things. :)

One of her favourite toys at the moment is her Little People Disney Princess Castle that she got for Christmas.  She has figured out how to make the little figures dance and that if you put the figurine in the middle of the dance floor that a song usually plays.  It's really cute watching her figure out how it works!  She also likes to line things up lately...either on windowsills or on tables.

Steve taught Q how to "tickle" - our version is that we pretend to nibble at her ribs.  Steve was doing this to me while we were playing with Q on the floor and then she just started to do it!  She especially likes to tickle my legs when I'm trying to cook.

Well, here's my pregnancy journal for Week 18...I'll go by the day that the picture was taken for the questions and answers:
How far along? 18 weeks 6 days
Total weight gain/loss: about 12-13 lbs
Maternity clothes? I'm wearing mostly all maternity now, except for some items like sweaters or clothes that I bought the fall after Q was born, so that they're bigger than my normal clothes.  Luckily I still fit into my lulus (and the lulu shirts too), but I discovered the maternity yoga pants from Old Navy and I LOVE them!
Stretch marks? Nothing yet, so I'm still applying cream like a mad woman every morning.
Best moment this week: Got back into doing yoga and feel so great afterward
Miss anything: Nothing this week
Movement: Little flips, rolls, and kicks every so often.
Food cravings: Cake...and Steve went to the store and bought a Deep N Delicious cake...yum!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Not this week.
Have you started to show yet: Definitely.
Gender: Dunno!
Labor Signs: Nope, thank goodness!  No Braxton-Hicks or anything yet either.
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy :)
Looking forward to: Our anatomy ultrasound when I'm 19w2d

18 weeks 6 days

Q putting on her boot...wrong foot, but right idea!

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