Thursday 3 January 2013

Q's Going to Be a Big Sister!!!!

Our family is growing!  We found out that we were expecting on November 18th and Baby Yoda (couldn't say Bean again!) is due on June 17th.  It was very difficult keeping the secret from our families until Christmastime, especially with my growing belly!  I started to noticeably show around 12 weeks, so I had to make sure that I stayed off camera whenever we were Skyping with our families at home.

How did we do the "big reveal" to our families?  We made Q a shirt with fabric paint that read "Big Sis 2 Be" and she wore that off of the plane.  We had planned ahead to have both sets of parents to meet us at the airport, using the ruse that we needed all hands on deck with all of our stuff.  So we put the shirt on Q when the plane landed and Steve headed down the escalator first with his phone primed to record the reactions.  I made sure to have my jacket buttoned up so that the little baby bump wouldn't give us away and then I set Q down on the floor.  She just stood there like a teeny, tiny billboard and our mothers just went crazy!  We got the whole thing on video and it's just priceless to watch.  We were so happy that the plan went off without a hitch, especially since some people had known ahead of time and didn't spill the beans.

So now, as I write this blog post, I'm 16 weeks and 3 days along and the flutters in my belly are getting stronger every day.  We are fortunate to have our midwife from Quinn's birth, Grace, as our midwife for this little one!  And we're not going to be finding out the sex...we didn't with Q either and the surprise when she was delivered was just so awesome that we want to experience that again.  So as far as room planning goes, we're planning Quinn's "big girl" room and will be moving her to what is now our guest room.  So fun!

Quinn is just growing so fast it's crazy!  When we were in NS over Christmas, she started actually saying "hi" and "bye" as opposed to just waving when you asked her to say hi/bye.  Although, she has managed to make those words both 2 syllables, so they sound more like "hi-ya" and "bye-ya".  She's also learning her manners and is saying "please" when prompted with either "say please" or "what do you say?".  Although, it sounds more like "peash" but is very cute nonetheless.  We're proud that she's getting so polite at 16 months old!

Quinn's also able to crawl up on low couches and chairs now other than just her rocking chair.  Anytime that she crawls into her rocking chair, though, she always rocks herself.  Even in chairs that don't rock (like her new Sesame Street one), she tries to rock it anyway.  Sometimes she carries her baby doll to the chair with her and rocks the baby...which is super cute!

16 weeks 5 days

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