Tuesday 4 October 2011

1 Month Check-Up A Success!

Today Quinn had her 1 month check-up with her doctor and passed with flying colours!  She weighs 9 lbs 3 oz (which is average for her age) and measures 22" (which is in the 75th percentile!!).  She also didn't pee on the scale this time, so that was a bonus!  The doctor was running a touch late and it was around Quinn's feeding time, so it was then that I really realized how convenient nursing is!  We were in the exam room, so it was even easier because I didn't need to use my "Hooter Hider" (or "Udder Cover").  The greatest inventions ever - it's really something that kind of looks like an apron.  It has an adjustable strap for around your neck and a plastic strip along the top edge so that you can actually see what you're doing and have some eye contact with your baby!  Greatest inventions ever for nursing in public!

Yay for playpen naps!
The challenge continues for getting Quinn to sleep in her bassinet.  The last couple of nights she has only managed to lay in it for about 45 minutes before crying...so I'm trying to get her to lay on her back to sleep in any of her contraptions...right now she's asleep in the playpen even though she wasn't completely zonked out before laying down.  Success on that front!  I think that she feels the bassinet is too hard for her, so we've tried to cushion it a little bit since she sleeps well in her swing, playpen, in the mamaroo and on a blanket on the couch next to us.  Since all those things are cushier, that's the conclusion that I've come to!

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