Wednesday 14 November 2012

We Have a Walker!!!

It's been a while since I've updated the blog...things just got to be crazy busy!  We went on a weekend trip to Montreal as a family and then Quinn and I went to Arizona for what was supposed to be a week's long vacation...and got turned into 10 days because of Superstorm Sandy!

While we were in Phoenix, Quinn took her first couple of steps and there has been no stopping her now!  She's able to walk farther and farther each time before falling on her bum.  We call her walking "Frankenstein walking" since she has her arms straight out in front of her when she's walking.  Catching her on video is the next task...especially since she likes to grab for the camera and gets distracted.

Since we got storm stayed in Arizona, Quinn ended up going trick or treating there.  We had to buy a last minute costume, which worked out in our favour because it was 40% off!  At home, Quinn was going to be a ladybug - it was all plush, soft, and definitely warm.  Which makes for the perfect Hallowe'en costume for our weather!  But in Arizona, where it's still 20+ degrees after dark, Quinn got to be Tinkerbell in a sweet little tutu and matching candy basket.  It was too cute!  We took her to a couple of our friends' houses and to a few houses in their neighbourhoods.  It was so fun to hold her little hand and walk her up to ring doorbells.  Next year will be even better!  Since we missed actual Hallowe'en at home, we dressed Quinn up as a ladybug on November 3rd, when we got home, and took her to a couple of friends' homes and to see Auntie Linds at work.  Both costumes were too sweet!

Quinn's vocabulary is growing at a rapid pace.  She mimics sounds that you make, or the cadence in your voice, which is fun.  Now Quinn can say "baby" (although it most of the time sounds like ba-ba), replies "bow wow" when you ask her "what does a doggy say?" or whenever she hears a dog bark, she can say "Nanny" (but sometimes it's just "nana"), and she is still great at saying "mama", "dada", "nana", and "yah".

For her birthday, Quinn received a gorgeous wooden rocking chair passed down to us from a close family friend.  She has discovered how to crawl into it, rock a few times, and then slide out of it.  The newest task is making sure that she doesn't stand on the seat...which she of course does all the time.  We're working on the "sit on your bum" rule...but she's quite resistant.  As I'm writing this, I had to take a break and take the chair away from her since all that she wanted to do was stand on it.

On that note, that's it for this post!  I promise not to make it almost a month between postings, especially since Quinn is doing new things all the time!  Here are some pictures and videos. Enjoy!

Having a swim in Nanny's pool

Her hair has finally grown long enough to put in a bow!

Playing in the fountain at Blackstone CC

Face full of mac and cheese in Arrowhead Mall food court

With my little pumpkin on Hallowe'en

Pretty Tinkerbell all set to go trick or treating

Walking door to door

She loved this spider

Trick or treating a couple of days later back at home with Daddy

There's a ladybug on the floor at Auntie's store!

Our cuddly little ladybug

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