Friday 21 September 2012

"All Done"

We've been trying to teach Quinn to do a sign for "all done" at the dinner table...that is, as opposed to her just throwing her food on the floor when she was finished.  A few months ago, we started putting our arms up above our heads and saying "all done" when she was finished eating.  We had gotten that idea from a friend of ours.  Quinn never mimicked the "all done" sign then.  But all of a sudden in the past couple of weeks, she spontaneously started doing it!  Sometimes it's just to say, "I'm all done with my cucumber, now I want milk", and then usually she does it at the end of a meal.  She still is throwing food on the floor, but I don't find that it's as often.  The biggest thing is just to make sure to take her tray/food away when she does the "all done" so that she knows that we mean it.
"All done!"

Something that I noticed this morning is that Quinn is starting to point to things that she wants.  Usually if you put her sippy cup on her highchair tray, she will throw it down when she's done - so I decided to put it on the counter to the right of her.  As she was eating her breakfast this morning, she pointed to her sippy cup, so I gave it to her and she actually drank her milk right throwing or pushing it away!  This afternoon during her snack time, she pointed to the counter where the container of yogurt-covered raisins were.  She only had a couple left on her tray, so I gave her some more and she ate them up...followed by "all done"! So proud!!

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