Tuesday 28 August 2012

Almost Reached The Big "1 Year" Milestone!

A year ago today, everything was set in motion for the arrival of our little Quinn - it's the anniversary of the day that my water broke!  It's hard to believe that it's been a year!  So much has happened and we are truly blessed to have such a fantastic little girl to call our own.

The past few days have been busy getting ready for Quinn's birthday.  I've decided to make a lot of her decorations since custom decorations aren't cheap!  The pictures will be posted after her party...no spoilers here!  We also have our family coming up to spend Q's first birthday with us, so that's really exciting too.  Quinn's so surrounded by love.

It's been a little different lately with our daily routines.  Both of my friends who had been on mat leave with me have returned to work, so the dynamic is definitely different.  I try to structure our day by having at least 1 outing per day.  Usually it's strollercise twice a week, but we also go swimming on Fridays and other days Quinn hangs out in the daycare at the gym while I get a quick work out in.  Can't complain about that - the gym has an excellent day care with fantastic staff and Quinn loves to wave to everyone.

Quinn's also transitioned now to being in the "big girl bath".  We had been using an inflatable ducky tub, but now that she's outgrown that, it's time for the big stage!  She loves being able to splash around and try to chase her toys.  Tonight she really liked the noise that her feet made when she slid them across the rubber alligator decal on the bottom of the tub.

Still no walking or standing on her own, but she's starting to get a little bit more confident.  We try to get her to walk while only holding one of our hands, but she's still quite hesitant.

Quinn's still eating like a champ!  She's a big fan of yogurt lately, so we've taken to buying the individual Activia yogurts in different flavours.  So far vanilla and blueberry are a hit.  Quinn also decided that she really does like fried eggs, so that makes it easier on me for meal times to add in some different varieties of protein.  Her 1 year doctor's visit is coming up and that's when I'm going to ask the doctor about the reaction that Quinn had on her face to hummus.  Hopefully we'll get some good guidance there!

Here are a few pictures from today! Enjoy!

She loves these nutrigrain-like cereal bars for babies

She shoved that whole piece from the picture above into her mouth

Also a big fan of Mom's baked pasta casserole!

Gap-toothed grin!

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