Thursday 22 December 2011

How Far We've Come!

Last night when I was sitting up and feeding Quinn, I was thinking about over the past 3 1/2 months and realized how far we've come!

Here are some of my remembrances:
- how we used to have to wake her up to get her to eat
- how she used to have a hard time latching when my milk came in and we had to feed her off of our finger with a syringe
- how Steve used to have to get u[ every time to help me feed her and we watched the entire series of "Friends" in the process
- figuring out that we had to wait a couple of minutes after she pooped to make sure she was done and thus save ourselves a big mess and a few diapers!
- remembering the night in the hospital that she cried and cried and cried and it freaked me out so we paged the nurse and everything was fine...she was just fussing!
- her first night in the hospital when we were able to calm her down by just saying "SHHHHHH" really loud...not anymore!
- going through all of her casts and now her brace and how well she's done
- how I used to have to wake up 3-4 times to feed her, and now it's usually just once

- all of her firsts - first smile, first laugh, first time we could tell she knew who we were, first time she rolled over...

Those are just a few of a million more that are yet to come!  How I love my little peanut!! xoxo

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